Fragmenti koji ostaju / Fragments that remain
A photography project made for CROCAD-22, Croatian congress on Alzheimer's disease with international participation.
The project was exhibited 3 times so far, and is currently at it's permanent home in the Ugljan Psychiatric Hospital.
Vito Hordov & Dora Bosner 2022
Skenografija kao tehnika vizualne interpretacije poezije / Scanography as a technique of visual interpretation of poetry
Master thesis project. Scanography is used as a technique for the visual interpretation of poetry. Scanography enables the creation of a wide range of different images, which is ideal for the visualization of numerous text works by various authors and topics.
Dora Bosner 2023
The male and female body as a landscape in double exposure
The motifs of the human body and landscape have been present since the art of the early day's culture. As such, they have evolved into valued forms of artistic expression. The combining of these two motifs into a separate whole has appeared several times in the medium of photography but in original and different ways.
Dora Bosner 2021
All layers of you
A "portrait" of one person at the micro-level. Instead of the face, the photos show micro details of the person such as skin, nails, hair, and other segments of the body itself as well as personal items such as their clothing, art, or a phone.
Dora Bosner 2021
The creative process of creating posters using analog and digital techniques
Authors research the use of analog and digital techniques of image content (photograph) manipulation in the creative process of designing artistic and communicating posters. The work is made through experimental stages of printing.
authors : Dora Bosner & Nikola Mišel Puklin
mentors: Mario Periša & Antun Franović 2020
Citizens of the scenery
Often being in the same space means not noticing it, not experiencing it, and not paying attention to its details. The streets and buildings we pass through every day become the background of our journey from point A to point B.
Dora Bosner 2020
Matera, Italy
residency and group exhibition
I was selected to be a Croatian representative in a photography residency in Matera, Italy. The project named Visions from Europe promotes and original and contemporary vision of Matera and of Basilicata through the eye of 56 European photographers.